A fondorlatos szívószerkezetű Sheaffer Intrigue

Ezt már rég ki kellett volna találni… - ez a cím jutott az eszembe, amikor találkoztam ezzel a szuper aranyhegyű Sheaffer töltőtollal. Itt elsősorban arra az ötletre gondolok, hogy a dugattyús tollak szívószerkezetét egy konverterrel lehessen pótolni, de a tekerés mozdulatát a toll testén végezzük, szétszedés nélkül.

Sheaffer Intrigue

Read more: Sheaffer Intrigue - a fondorlatos szívószerkezetű toll

Beyond the glass mountain

about the glass nibs

Old glass-tipped pens are a real rarity these days. Drop or tap the end of a nib once and the irreparable breakage only adds to the value of the remaining intact nibs. However, you can also buy new glass pens to enhance your handwriting experience, especially if you use them on a sunny day.
Glass nibs

Read more: 🇺🇸 Beyond the glass mountain / about the glass nibs

The fountain pen for a phantom pilot / Chevignon


There is a famous French brand in the world, many of whose products have a 1957 date. Although the company Charles Chevignon was founded in 1979, the backdating doesn't really bother either the sellers or the buyers. The odd thing is that not many people have thought about it before, but tompens.com has found out who (or rather who isn't) Charles Chevignon? 

The Chevignon brand history

Read more: 🇺🇸 The fountain pen for a phantom pilot, Chevignon

The soul of the fountain pen (if it exists)

I recently came across an interview with a fountain pen maker in a daily newspaper (print) called "Pens that have a soul". Since I have been working with pens, I have regularly come across similar sentiments that pens have a soul. In connection with this title, I decided to investigate the question and, if the pen has a psyche, to dive into the subject as a pen psychologist. The question is a tricky one, since if the conclusion of my reasoning is that pens are soulless, I could easily burn myself with the same diagnosis. So I will make it clear from the outset that whatever the outcome, the question is unprovable. But there are a few things to ponder about whether any object has a soul.

Read more: 🇺🇸 The soul of the fountain pen (if it exists)

Hungary's fountain pen restorer lives in Budapest, and was received by Viktor Orban
interview by Tünde Tálas

Szűcs Tamás hungarian pen restorer
We met Tamás Szűcs in the centre of Budafok, on the outskirts of Budapest, in the Spiller confectionery, where he brought the smallest and largest piece of his fountain pen collection. In our report we introduce the country's only pen restorer, who takes his own photos of his antique pens, which he assembles while reflecting on aesthetic issues and the abstract things in life. Statistically, there is no data on the percentage of the population that uses fountain pens, but it is safe to say that they are mainly used by intellectuals, so don't be surprised if the country's only fountain pen restorer presents the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban with an antique pen and even initiates a correspondence with Queen Elizabeth II.

Read more: 🇺🇸 Hungary's fountain pen restorer lives in Budapest, and was received by Viktor Orban

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